现任厦门大学附属翔安医院乳腺甲状腺外科副主任。主要从事分子影像引导下的外科手术导航及乳腺癌浸润转移分子机制的研究。主持广东省科技厅科研课题2项及汕头市科学技术重大科研课题 4 项,参加973国家重大科技项目、国家自然科学基金及省级科研课题9项。发表专业论文52篇,其中第一作者21篇、SCI论文6篇。参加《Breast Cancer》一书的翻译工作。获得广东省科技进步三等奖和汕头市科技进步一等奖。
1. Zhang YQ, Chen WL, Zhang F, Wei XL, Zeng D, Liang YK, Wu JD, Zhang LY, Guo CP, Zeng HC, Hao SS, Li RH, Huang WH, Zhang GJ, Over-expression of both VEGF-C and Twist predicts poor prognosis in human breast cancer. Clin Transl Oncol. 2019 Sep;21(9):1250-9
2. Chen CF, Zhang Yl, Huang ZY, Wu JD, Huang WH, Zhang GJ. Decrease in the Ki67 index during neoadjuvant chemotherapy predicts favorable relapse-free survival in patients with locally advanced breast cancer. Cancer Biol Med. 2019 Aug;16(3):575-86.
3. Wang GL, Huang WH, Li W, Chen SY, Chen WB, Zhou YH, Peng P, Gu W. TFPI-2 suppresses breast cancer cell proliferation and invasion through regulation of ERK signaling and interaction with actinin-4 and myosin-9. Sci Rep. 2018 Sep 26;8(1):14402.
4. He K, Chi C, Kou D, Huang W, Wu J, Wang Y, He L, Ye J, Mao Y, Zhang GJ, Wang J, Tian J,Comparison between the indocyanine green fluorescence and blue dye methods for sentinel lymph node biopsy using novel fluorescence image-guided resection equipment in different types of hospitals, Transl Res. 2016, 178:74-80
5. Chi CW, Ye JZ, Ding Hl, He D, Huang WH, Zhang GJ, Tian J. Use of Indocyanine Green for Detecting the Sentinel Lymph Node in Breast Cancer Patients:From Preclinical Evaluation to Clinical Validation. PLoS ONE. 2013,8(12): e83927