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Mr Ning-Shu LinAssociate chief physician

Mr Ning-Shu Lin, deputy chief physician, graduated from Peking Union Medical College with a master degree of Surgery in 2009, and graduated from Zhejiang University with a doctoral degree of Surgery in 2014. He engaged in basic and clinical research in urinary stones and bladder tumors. As the first or corresponding author, he published 8 papers including 3 SCI-listed papers in "Urology", "Surgical laparoscopy endoscopy" etc. He presided over 1 project of the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province and participated in many NSFC projects.

Selected publications

1. 林宁殊, 张鹏, 殷民, 邵晨. 超声引导下经皮肾镜碎石术治疗肾盏憩室伴结石. 中国微创外科杂志, 2019, 19(6). 559-61.

2. Lin NS, Xie LP, Zhang P, Min Y, Yang YQ, Wang YT, Xia M. Computed tomography urography for diagnosis of calyceal diverticulum complicated by urolithiasis: the accuracy and the effect of abdominal compression and prolongation of acquisition delay. Urology, 2013, 82(4):786-90.

3. Lin NS, Min Y, Yang XQ, Yang YQ, Mao XQ, Li RB. Laparoscopic Management of Obturator Nerve Schwannomas. Surgical laparoscopy, endoscopy & percutaneous techniques, 2012, 22(2):143-7.

4. Xia M, Lin NS, Li HZ, Huang ZM, Liu TH. Value of Frozen Section Analysis of Enlarged Lymph Nodes During Radical Nephrectomy for Renal Cell Carcinoma. Urology, 2009, 74(2):364-68.

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