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Mr Wen-He HuangMaster supervisor, Chief physician

Mr Wen-He Huang, master supervisor, chief physician, is the Deputy Director of the Department of Breast and Thyroid Surgery, Xiang'an Hospital, Xiamen University. He mainly engaged in the research of molecular imaging guided surgical navigation and the molecular mechanism of breast cancer invasion and metastasis. He presided over 2 scientific research projects of Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology and 4 major scientific research projects of Shantou City, and participated in 9 national and provincial projects. He published 52 professional papers in which 21 of first author and 6 SCI-listed. He was one of the translators of book <Breast Cancer>. He won a bronze prize of Guangdong Science and Technology Progress Award and gold prize of Shantou Science and Technology Progress Award.

Selected publications

1. Zhang YQ, Chen WL, Zhang F, Wei XL, Zeng D, Liang YK, Wu JD, Zhang LY, Guo CP, Zeng HC, Hao SS, Li RH, Huang WH, Zhang GJ, Over-expression of both VEGF-C and Twist predicts poor prognosis in human breast cancer. Clin Transl Oncol. 2019 Sep;21(9):1250-9

2. Chen CF, Zhang Yl, Huang ZY, Wu JD, Huang WH, Zhang GJ. Decrease in the Ki67 index during neoadjuvant chemotherapy predicts favorable relapse-free survival in patients with locally advanced breast cancer. Cancer Biol Med. 2019 Aug;16(3):575-86.

3. Wang GL, Huang WH, Li W, Chen SY, Chen WB, Zhou YH, Peng P, Gu W. TFPI-2 suppresses breast cancer cell proliferation and invasion through regulation of ERK signaling and interaction with actinin-4 and myosin-9. Sci Rep. 2018 Sep 26;8(1):14402.

4. He K, Chi C, Kou D, Huang W, Wu J, Wang Y, He L, Ye J, Mao Y, Zhang GJ, Wang J, Tian J,Comparison between the indocyanine green fluorescence and blue dye methods for sentinel lymph node biopsy using novel fluorescence image-guided resection equipment in different types of hospitals, Transl Res. 2016, 178:74-80

5. Chi CW, Ye JZ, Ding Hl, He D, Huang WH, Zhang GJ, Tian J. Use of Indocyanine Green for Detecting the Sentinel Lymph Node in Breast Cancer Patients:From Preclinical Evaluation to Clinical Validation. PLoS ONE. 2013,8(12): e83927

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