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Ms Li XuAssociate professor, PhD supervisor, Associate chief physician

Ms. Li Xu is an associate professor, master supervisor, gastroenterologist, and deputy chief of the Department of Gastroenterology, Xiang'an Hospital of Xiamen University. She worked in the Department of Gastroenterology of Xijing Hospital for 25 years. From 2008 to 2012, she also served as a research assistant professor at Robert Luries Cancer Center,Northwestern University in USA.. She mainly focused on the prevention and treatment of cancer derived from digestive tract and the development of small molecule drugs against cancer metastasis. She was the PI or participants for more than 10 National Natural Science Foundation projects in China, and published more than 70 papers in international and domestic professional journals such as "Nature Communications", "Journal of the National Cancer Institute" (JNCI), "Oncogene" et, and was one of editors of two textbooks. In 2014, the application "Phase I clinical trial of berberine for preventing canceration of ulcerative colitis" written by her was the first clinical trial project directly funded by NIH of United States in the field of cancer prevention in China.

Selected publications

1. Li X, Gordon R, Farmer R, Pattanayak A, Binkowski A, Huang XK, Avram M, Krishna S, Voll E, Payese J, Chavez J, Bruce J, Mazar A, Nibbs A, Anderson W, Li L, Jovanovic B, Pruell S, Valsecchi M, Francia G, Betori R, Scheidt K, Bergan R. Precision therapeutic targeting of human cancer cell motility. Nature Communications. 2018, 9(1):2454-68.

2. Xiao X, Liu ZG, Wang R, Wang JY, Zhang S, Cai XQ, Wu KC, Bergan RC, Fan DM. Genistein suppresses FLT4 and inhibits human colorectal cancer metastasis. Oncotarget. 2015,6(5):3225-39

3. Xiao X, Gang Y, Wang HH, Wang JY, Zhao LN, Xu L, Liu ZG. Double-stranded RNA transcribed from vector-based oligodeoxynucleotide acts as transcription factor decoy. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015,457(2):221-6.

4. Li TT, Wang HH, Sun YM, Zhao LN, Gang Y, Guo, XG, Huang R, Yang ZP, Pan YL, Wu KC, Xu L, Liu ZG, Fan DM. Transcription factor CUTL1 is a negative regulator of drug resistance in gastric cancer. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2013, 288(6): 4135-4147

5. Xu L, Ding YZ, Catalona WJ, Yang X., Anderson WF, Jovanovic B, Wellman K, Killmer J, Huang XK, Scheidt KA, Montgomery RB, Bergan RC. MEK4 function, genistein treatment, and invasion of human prostate cancer cells. J Natl Cancer Inst, 2009, 101(16):1141-55.

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