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Prof Xin-Mei KangProfessor, Master supervisor, Chief physician

Prof Xin-Mei Kang is a master supervisor and chief physician. She graduated from Harbin Medical University with a master's degree in 2003 and gained a doctoral degree in 2009 in oncology. She went to Cornell University to study food anti-cancer mechanisms in 2007, and went to the Avera Cancer Center in the United States for advanced studies in tumor precision medicine in 2016. She engaged in the research of tumor heterogeneity and metastasis. She presided over 8 national and provincial scientific research projects from NSFC, Chunhui Program of the Ministry of Education, Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Heilongjiang Natural Science Foundation, and Heilongjiang Youth Fund. Her published papers include 16 SCI-listed and 28 in national core journals. She won 1 silver prize of Science and Technology Award of China Anti-Cancer Association, and 1 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze prizes of Heilongjiang Provincial Government Science and Technology Progress Award.

Selected publications

1. Liu Y, Zou T, Wang S, Chen H, Su D, Fu X, Zhang Q, Kang X. Genisteininduced differentiation of breast cancer stem/progenitor cells through a paracrine mechanism. International Journal of Oncology, 2016, 48(3):1063-72.

2. Zhang QY, Wang SH, Huang X, Jin S, Kang XM. Effect of soy isoflavones on breast cancer recurrence and death for patients receiving adjuvant endocrine therapy CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL 2010, 182(17):1857-62.

3. Jin S, Zhang QY, Kang XM. Antitumor and Antiangiogenic Activity of Soy Phytoestrogen on 7,12-Dimethylbenz[alpha]anthracene-Induced Mammary Tumors Following Ovariectomy in Sprague-Dawley Rats JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE 2009, 74(7): 648-53.

4. Guo X, An W, Niu X, Li S, Liu Z, Yang Y, Wang N, Jiang Q, Kang X, Yan C, Wang H, Zhang Q. Photothermal therapeutic application of gold nanorods -porphyrin-trastuzumab complexes in HER2-positive breast cancer. Scientific Reports. 2017: 42069.

5. Wang H, Wang L, Song Y, Wang S, Huang X, Xuan Q, Zhang Q, Kang X. CD44+/CD24 phenotype predicts a poor prognosis in triple negative breast cancer,Oncol Letters 2017, 14(10): 5890-8.

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